Zi Heng Xu
Product Manager for Tech Startup | CS Undergrad at Cornell University

Information pertaining to my education and work experience can be found in my resume.
I am currently in the third year of my undergraduate education majoring in Computer Science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. My focus is on software design and artificial intelligence. In addition, I am also planning to minor in Applied Economics and Asian Studies.
Current Work
The Tech Startup, PaladinMax, which I currently work at, aims to create a comprehensive data management solution, named Kaleido Information Management System (KIMS). We envision that it would be capable of extracting relevant and valuable information from large collections of text documents. This will be accomplished through a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. As a product manager, my responsibilities consist of participation in the initiation, planning, execution, of work, and ensuring that specific goals are achieved, at the quality demanded, and in the timeframe given, in accordance to the executive team.
The expected functions of KIMS, as stated by the company CEO in his executive summary, are as follows:
- Discover: Users can simultaneously search and discover reference materials across multiple sources pertaining to their indicated topic of interest.
- Organize: KIMS can further create subtopics for the wealth of materials associated with a given topic and navigate to the exact group of relevant materials.
- Accelerate: KIMS creates automated summaries of long text documents and highlights portions of the document containing key information within the built-in browser.
- Explore: Users can generate visual representations of entity relationships identified either explicitly or by our algorithms across all source materials.
Additionally, due to my experience in web designing, specifically front-end user interface design, I will also participate in designing and constructing the web-based user interface for the initial Chrome extension of this system, as well as making and maintaining the company website accessible here.
Past Work Experience
Prior work experience I have had:
- Project Management Intern (Aug 2018 - Jan 2019): Participated in the planning and execution of work on a file sharing platform. Work was done online and remotely due to being a full-time student at the time.
- Web and UI Designer (May - Aug 2018): Designed and implemented the front end user interface for a file sharing platform, and contributed to the effort of linking the front-end user interface and back-end database of the platform.
- Research Intern at Peking University (Jul - Aug 2015): Assisted PhD students in researching micro-computers and their applications in the PKU micro-computing lab.
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